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Ahmad Al-Sarraf Ahmad Al-Sarraf

The Cabinet approved a draft decree to restructure the Supreme Education Council (SEC), to be headed by the Minister of Education with the relevant ministry undersecretaries as members in addition to independent personalities such as Musaed Al-Haroun, Rashed Al-Hamad and Abdulrahman Al-Ghunaim, Hanan Al-Mutawa, Nayef Al-Mutawa, and Suad Al-Ansari.

First of all, we must admit that neither Kuwait nor the education in general has benefited from the SEC since its inception which appears much bigger than its size. However, we hope the current board, gives us the hope which we have lost.

Education has suffered in Kuwait for the past thirty years after being the pioneer and by far advanced in the region. It has suffered too much at the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis.

Therefore it is important to first get rid of the scourge of underdevelopment and the presence of the representatives of these religious parties in decision-making process and then re-considering the radicalism in all educational curricula and make it a modern curricula in harmony with the global realities.

This is easier said than done because the implementation is tied to the sovereignty of the nation. This option is not available to the forces of enlightenment within the current Supreme Council.

The evidences on the failure of education are crystal clear. This is obvious in the outcome of education and employees’ performance level of all citizens. We do not need an expert to confirm that is the result of education being in the hands of backward parties.

It is not logical to believe the claims of some ignorant people that most of all former ministers of education over the past 40 years were moderate politicians or belonged to the liberal trend.

Even if we believe a majority of them were liberals, they did nothing for the development of education. They even contributed in collaboration with others in the deterioration of education.

The law of gender segregation was issued when the most liberal was the minister of education. Under his watchful eye, and with the blessings of the government, without batting an eyelid he did not object, protest or resign.

The reason is due to the fact that the educational policy is not run by the minister or the SEC, but the government does not wish to offend the forces of backwardness, even at the expense of the country.

The large number of the members of the Board does not feel quick reforms are needed to develop the education process. In addition to this the tendencies of some members are not in harmony with reforms.

The most dangerous issue is that the mission of the SEC is limited to giving recommendations which in the end are placed in front of Cabinet which then are left to collect dust in the shelves among other files.

The return of the current minister of education in the next Cabinet is uncertain, but worrying. He may take us back to square one and stop the process of renewal and reform again. This is what we do not want.

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad Al-Sarraf