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Mediaman and colleague Walid Al-Jassem, while presenting his new TV program, says that everything that is beautiful and wonderful needs time be it a commercial project, a novel or even a new recipe.

Therefore, Your Highness, the Prime Minister, if you, as the head of the executive authority which controls all our capabilities, are serious about proceeding with the Silk City project, then we must start now and not after a month or a year, preparing for this big and dangerous project smoothly, the important thing is to ‘kickstart’ the project.

However, Your Highness, nothing on the horizon indicates that this project will end well if the situation we are in continues, and perhaps it will end with a sack of barley instead of ‘silk’.

Such a project requires the mentality of an open state – a strong mentality – and the ability to implement what will be agreed upon. A mentality which believes that oil is waning in importance, and that it is necessary to search for other resources.

It is very difficult to think of a project of this magnitude and openness, and entertain a call from a parliamentarian asking you to instruct the Minister of Commerce to remove plastic or wooden statues from an exhibition ground or establishments because the called believes they are idols and shoppers may bow or worship them.

It is impossible to think of appointing a modern, open body while a ministry trembles when a deputy tweets or calls when he discovered the word gender in one of the university’s courses, and takes it for granted that what the word means is ‘sex’ since sex is forbidden to talk about. So how about teaching it to our girls as if we were talking about naïve girls from another planet who do not know what televisions show and what pops up on cell phones and websites, read books and novels, and watch pictures and movies.

How can we attract foreign investment, when a religious bearded man who holds a fake doctorate, can disturb the government with a frivolous tweet?

How can we think of a higher authority planning and supervising the construction of the Silk City, while the senior officials are still bound by pathetic rules and instructions?

Your Highness, the President and your ministers, are in dire need of a better way of working, if you allow take my advice, given my age and long commercial, industrial and financial experience, I say do not yield to the first cry of a deputy in the Kuwaiti Inquisition.

We do not, and have not called for violating the Sharia, customs and traditions, for they will change, mutate and modify with time as they have changed before, for today’s traditions and customs are not what they were a hundred years ago, for example.

The issuance of the decree to start the construction of the Silk City must be preceded by decrees related to spreading an atmosphere of freedoms and coexistence, accepting and welcoming others, and opening doors for them, as a tourist, as a capitalist, or a person with technical or scientific competence, otherwise, we may only find empty barley sack in an empty Silk City.

email: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf