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“IN CHINA, the US, Europe and Kuwait and in all countries of the world and even companies worldwide, there are those who are successful in their government or in their private work -- it makes no difference,” columnist and former minister of information Sami Abdullatif Al-Nisf wrote for Annahar daily.

Sami Al-Nisf

“These successful people have the ability to innovate and to be creative in addition to encouraging these employees by giving them incentives , particularly employees who are capable, smart, efficient and honest. Unlike these people, however, there are the failures who are mostly involved in stupidity and banditry.

“Consequently, we find the real and major difference between two neighboring countries where similar people who belong to the same ethnicity live in these two countries, but one of them has made significant success and progress at all international levels, particularly in terms of transparency, health, education, development, sport, art, etc.

“While the second country which is a neighbor the first indicators shows the opposite. In other words, the indicators show extreme backwardness and this can be attributed to the fact that the first country recruits very successful teams, while the second recruits failures. “Given the above, we suggest that the responsible authorities must hasten to form a database of names of successful people of that country – people working either in the public and private sectors.

“This database should also include the names of those who have destroyed the work of efficient people due to their dishonesty and this data should be used to achieve success by seeking the assistance of those who are listed in the list of the successful people and exclude the names on the list of failures instead of going for the other way around because this is what has been happening in our country for many decades.

“However, in spite of this fact, we find people asking why we are backward. “In conclusion, I suggest, we must actually change the replacement policy – replacement of ‘seniors’ with ‘juniors’ and believe that this is the solution for all our problems. We must opt for the replacement policy not based on age but look to appoint successful people, be they old or young instead of appointing the so-called failures just because they happen to be young people. “As a matter of fact, the above method is still valid in most countries where experience counts more than age – experience should be an advantage and not the other way around.

“In this connection, we would like to point out that no study has proved that every young person is more efficient and honest than an elderly person. This should work for us as a crucial factor so that we get out of one problem and land into a bigger problem.”