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Mossad was founded in 1951 and achieved great successes. It was behind the most daring and exciting adventures in the world of espionage, counter-terrorism and assassinations.

The British writer Gordon Thomas (1933-2017) published a book in 1999 under the title ‘The Gideon Spies’, which included interviews with agents, informants and spy hunters who worked with Mossad. It also included confidential documents and conversations from high-level sources.

In the book, the author revealed strange things about the Israel’s intelligence world, attempt to assassinate Pope Pius XII, attempts to assassinate Saddam, its role in uncovering Princess Diana’s death, the secrets of the disappearance of millions of dollars from the Vatican Bank, the secrets of the Polish Solidarity Movement, how extremists recruit suicide bombers, including women, and its role in Iraq war.

Thomas also presented an idea of how Mossad trained its operatives on the ground and how its agents penetrated parts of the hard-to-reach Arab world, and the secrets of the kidnapping of Mordechai Vanunu, who revealed the secrets of Israeli nuclear weapons in Dimona, and tried and imprisoned him. The kidnapping of German officer Eichmann from Argentina, sending him to Israel, followed by his trial and execution, and I listened to a full version of the book over many hours, and I knew a lot of it.

In a worthless lecture of our academician in front of a mostly ignorant gathering which claimed the book Gideon Spies mentioned that there is no dividing line between the Arab intelligence and the Mossad, but continuous cooperation and training and that there is a security system linking Arab and Israeli intelligence services, and the difference is only in the salary scale between them (laughter from the audience).

As for the rest of the things such as information, instructions, leaders and approaches are one to the extent if an Arab ruler wants to visit another Arab capital, it is the Mossad that usually suggests the names of the accompanying delegation, what should be discussed, what should be avoided, and explained how this cooperation between the Arab and Zionist regimes is old. The quote is over.

If we consider that Kuwait is concerned here, and that it is difficult to hide a secret in it, and that it sends its security men to Israel to receive training, and that planes carrying senior officials do not take off from their airports unless Israel sends its consent after acknowledgement of names of delegation and the flight route. This is enough to prove the magnitude of the great exaggeration in the lecture.

 Because of the state of the ‘cognitive immunity’ of our peoples, their tendency to believe anything and its opposite at the same time, the belief of large sectors in superstitions, and belief in the strangest things without bothering themselves to go into deep research, many, including the academicians, the thief who steals the writings of others and other exaggerating persons have contributed to the destruction of the minds of the emerging and the elderly with their arguments and the absurdities of their statements, and often their lies.

In his lecture, the academician calls for the treachery of Arab regimes and the revolution against them and the killing of their leaders. Here he appears to be protected by his terrorist religious party, calling for sowing discord and chaos in the region, often using lies to convince the naïve and ignorant of his words, however he has not yet been accounted for what he said.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf