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WHEN the implementation level of democracy drops to a poor level, it turns into a catastrophic failure for the state, because the institutions did not work according to what is stipulated in the constitution.

Therefore, freedom becomes a kind of de facto authority whose items are enacted by tribal leaders, sects, political forces, executive officials, MPs, and even managers of small departments, who interfere with all institutions from the bottom of the ladder to the top.

Consequently, achievements are nowhere to be seen, deals and settling of accounts prevail, laws are undermined, and the responsibility for failure becomes a point of view, because accountability has fallen into a sea of chaos.

On the other hand, in democratic countries where societies have become accustomed to assuming and distributing responsibilities and the role that each individual is supposed to play, the decision is one that stems from the ruler’s adoption of the desire and aspirations of the people, because he works for justice, enjoying the power of wit and speedy decision-making.

Such a ruler also realizes that society’s desire in the end is an achievement for him, so he works within a national vision away from the whims of the profiteers who gather around him. In fact, he keeps them away and seeks the assistance of experts who are aware of the nature of their role according to the competence of each of them.

This ruler or official seeks to develop his country to remain in a pioneering position, something that many rulers, whom the world has witnessed, work on.

These leaders were not engineers, economists, teachers, doctors or atom scientists, but fate led them to assume the responsibility of the nation. They hence sought help from specialists so that each one of them works according to what is dictated by moral responsibility first, patriotism second, and fear of accountability in case of a default third.

In the midst of their battle for progress and renaissance, neither did these rulers heed the bickering of an MP or a party leader, nor did a tribal leader or a sect leader seek the help of a state over the state.

Rather, they made everyone equal like the teeth of a comb, because they imposed the law with force, worked to achieve, and were not hindered by any attempts to thwart their projects, which are basically projects of the people.

Currently in many countries of this world, there are leaders who are racing against time for the renaissance of their countries in proportion to the aspirations of their people. On the other hand, there are countries that have fallen into the clutches of poor democracy when their leaders did not take the initiative to resolve, so their countries failed.

For instance, in the Arab world, there are several examples of transformation of an official into a leader, king, prince and president, and how it made it suffer under the burden of failure, as its leaders contented themselves with throwing responsibilities on others, as is the case in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Tunisia.

On the other hand, a capable state is one that has rulers who come forward when necessary, make decisions quickly, and take decisions according to the advice of expert scholars, who were able to push their states to progress economically, socially and politically.

They had the desire and ambition to create paths towards a more prosperous future for their people, realizing from the beginning that strong and real democracy is the one that does justice to the people and achieves justice, prosperity and the ability to face difficulties and problems.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times