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THE U.S. is still waiting for Iranians to complete negotiations on a return to the nuclear agreement. Because Tehran is not about to abandon its intransigence, Washington will wait a long time, or until the Iranians find a new opportunity to blackmail the US administration and the international community behind it.

In this regard, the US should perhaps read Persian history well, and know how the enemy thinks to achieve his goals through political deception, something that the Persians worked with throughout their imperial history of about 3,000 years, and they marched on until the current state of the Mullahs, which is inscribed in its political literature.

Going back in history when they began their expansion in the ancient world, they worked to provoke unrest in accordance with the principle of divide-and-rule, something that they were the first to practice politically.

Accordingly, the empire continued to expand until the year 336 BC when war broke out between Alexander the Great and the Persian Dara. That was the beginning of the demise of the great empire.

After about 900 years, the Persians returned to expand in the Arab neighborhood, but they were defeated in the first Qadisiyah battle, as well as in Dhi Qar in the hands of Al-Mundhir Al-Numan. It was known as the Battle of Chains, because Hormuz ordered his soldiers to tie themselves with chains for fear of their escape, but he was defeated by Khalid bin Al-Walid.

When the Muslims conquered Persia, its citizens entered into the new religion. Nevertheless, they did not abandon their expansionist and arrogant culture. They worked on distinguishing themselves as the descendants of Cyrus. This tendency emerged in the celebration of the Shah of Iran Muhammad Reza Pahlavi in 1971, to mark the 2,500th anniversary of the establishment of the Kingdom of Persia.

The current Mullahs regime has revived this tendency through the slogan “exporting the revolution”. To achieve its goal, it has been working for 40 years through two methods - expansion by inciting sectarian fanaticism, and sowing discord among societies, especially Arabs, and seeking to possess weapons of mass destruction by returning to the Shah’s military project which began in 1957 and was suspended in the early years of the revolution. However, the project was resumed by Khomeini during the Iran-Iraq war in order to obtain an atomic bomb to balance its power with Iraq, especially after the defeats its army suffered at the beginning of the eight-year war.

The desire increased even more after sanctions were imposed by the international community on Tehran when its intelligence community committed a series of terrorist operations in a number of countries, in addition to the establishment of proxy militias in several Arab countries.

Today, Washington is waiting for Tehran to return to the Vienna negotiations. It has not taken into account the serious warnings of the consequences of re-launching the sectarian terrorist beast directed at it by most Arab countries and Israel. Tehran is continuing its military nuclear project, and developing ballistic missiles that can bomb Europe.

Under such a political atmosphere, it seems that Washington has abandoned its fight against Tehran. The threat to its interests and allied countries in the region is increasing day by day, which necessitates the Gulf states, moderate Arab states and Israel alliance to confront the Iranian threat that threatens the security and peace of the Middle East.

Otherwise, the countries of the region will turn into domino pieces. When the Iranian piece falls on one of them, the rest will fall in succession.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times