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As soon as it was announced in the media that the United States intends to transfer a few thousand Afghan translators to Kuwait – translator who had cooperated with the US military in Kabul – and two other countries, these two countries issued statements welcoming the US request but our ‘State Department’ initially chose to remain silent.

The remnants of the nationalists and their new supporters from among the fundamentalists and the Brotherhood, and a number of ‘poor’ deputies took advantage of the government’s silence and demanded Kuwait refuse to receive the Afghans because their presence would pose a threat to the country’s security, and called the Afghans traitors because they had cooperated with those who occupied Kuwait.

I do not wish to underestimate the danger of receiving and keeping such a large number of Afghans among us, and their presence may be embarrassing and we may be exposed to terrorist acts because of them.

However, we are bound by a security agreement with the United States, the main country that liberated us and gave us back our homeland and dignity. We also deposit and invest billions of dollars for future generations in its banks and companies, and on top of that, more than 13,000 Kuwaiti students receive education in the US.

Add to this our commercial relations and military cooperation, and therefore it was supposed to support the reception of these Afghans, and hosting them, until they move to their final destination, and this is what is assumed on what allies do, not let down and refuse, as demanded by the objectors to the decision to host Afghan translators.

Note that Kuwait is a big official ally of America, and one of the few outside NATO.

Our geographical and demographic situation and our constant internal weakness make it imperative for us to strengthen our alliances with Britain and the United States of America, and to strengthen our relations with the countries of the Gulf system despite their weakness.

As for resting and relying on our own strengths, and being like Switzerland as some have demanded, they are wonderful ideas on paper, and an opportunity for muscle-flexing in the social media groups, but they are impractical and inapplicable even for few hours in our country.

The human structure was weak on 2/8/1990, and it is now, and has become weaker after all the manipulations in the national identity and the outcomes of the last elections are the best evidence.

We must work to be worthy of the trust of our senior allies, internationally and regionally, and not to be ungrateful to those who favored us, not be like countries like Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, but rather be like Japan, Germany and Korea which have accepted the American presence, and achieved security, stability and economic progress.

Note: I wrote the above article before the firing of missiles, mostly from Iraq, near our borders as is rumored.

This news reinforces our demand for the necessity of consolidating and strengthening our relations with the two great allies, for in their hands is the most precious thing we have -- the security of our homeland, our money and our children.

The confusion in the security statements also showed that our borders are not secure, and the border control systems are ineffective, if they really exist.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf