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Ahmed Al-Jarallah Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times

WITH the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, it seems Algeria has exited from the bottleneck and saved itself from drowning in the sea of blood like what happened in Libya, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

Algerians were inspired by the Egyptian experience in which 30 million people took to the street to protest against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Office.

What transpired in the past weeks, the persistence of Algerians in conducting peaceful protest and avoiding violence and chaos affirmed that the people know the path towards getting their demands without bringing down the entire house.

The military aligned itself with the people and this saved the country from many things which would have led to violence if it aligned itself with the regime.

The Algerian model is currently parallel with that of Sudan which continues to hover over peaceful atmosphere. Sometimes, its heat drops and sometimes it increases, but the options are within the constitutional frames.

This means the bets of chaotic groups such as the ‘Brotherhood’ and others, which afflicted the Arab world by taking advantage of the populist demands to climb to power and hijack it, are long gone.

Today, Egypt is harvesting from that peacefulness through economic decisions and betterment of living standards; in addition to regaining international confidence on Egypt’s economy which President Abdelfattah el-Sisi has succeeded in managing.

This is what Algerians ought to benefit from after getting rid of the political gang which dominated the country throughout the past decades.

Undoubtedly, some personalities will be convicted, similar to what happened in Egypt; but this will be done according to the law. This is a clear indication that the renegade mentality against the State and its institutions has fallen for good.

This turn of event will be credited to Algerians the way Egyptians were credited for their success. Yet, it still depends if issues will go through the proper path; especially since both nations learned lessons from their neighbor Libya which is currently soaked in blood and chaos – more than what Somalia experienced at some point in the past.

Some nations in the region are suffering from injustice and oppression. This is the case in Iran where the regime, for the last four decades, has been exporting its problems under the slogan: “Exporting the revolution and Iran’s model.” Or, the case in Iraq where sectarian militias share power and inflict organized injustice on Iraqis.

The situation is not different in Lebanon where the ‘Hezbollah’ hijacked and subdued power to push for the implementation of its scheme. This hit the core of consensus language that the country stands on. It spreads corruption in the most horrific manner by dividing the wealth as the prescribed bribe to prolong the crisis.

These nations, especially Iran, is fully engaged in peaceful confrontation with the regime in a manner that turns the nation away from bitter options; particularly civil war. If civil war is ignited in Iran, it will lead to fragmentation considering its ethnic and cultural diversity.

Hence, Iranians are intensifying their movement in a calm manner. No matter how long the confrontation will last, they will never allow their punishers to flee from accountability.

The pandemic of peaceful protests reaped fruits in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria. Therefore, these nations have recognized their path. The Mullah regime should be warned about this; taking into consideration that it will never achieve its objectives in spite of attempts to export its problems.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah - Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times