US lawmakers pledge support for Taiwan and its new president after China’s military drills

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In this photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwan President Lai Ching-te, (right), shakes hands with Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas during a meeting in Taipei, Taiwan on May 27. (AP)

TAIPEI, Taiwan, May 27, (AP): A US congressional delegation met Taiwan’s new leader on Monday in a show of support days after China held drills around the self-governing island in response to his inauguration.
Rep Andy Barr, the co-chair of the Taiwan caucus in the US Congress, said the United States is fully committed to supporting Taiwan militarily, diplomatically and economically.
“There should be no doubt, there should be no skepticism in the United States, Taiwan or anywhere in the world, of American resolve to maintain the status quo and peace in the Taiwan Strait,” the Republican from Kentucky said at a news conference in the capital, Taipei, after the delegation met Taiwan President Lai Ching-te.
China regards Taiwan as a renegade province that must come under its control, by force if necessary. The US, like most countries, does not have formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan but is bound by its own laws to provide the island with the means to defend itself.
The Chinese government expressed strong opposition to the congressional visit, saying it undermined China-US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, referring to the waterway between China and Taiwan.
The lawmakers’ five-day visit “ran against the political commitment of the U.S. government to maintain only unofficial relations with Taiwan, sending a seriously wrong signal to the separatist force of Taiwan independence,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning said in Beijing.
Lai, who took office one week ago, is expected to continue the policies of Tsai Ing-wen, his predecessor from the same Democratic Progressive Party.

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