UAE Embassy recognizes Zain for role in enhancing local business landscape

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Al Neyadi, Alrushood, and Al Khashti with Zain and Embassy officials

Kuwait City, May 9: Zain was recognized by the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Kuwait for its role in enhancing the local business landscape. The recognition came during the ceremony held to honor sponsors and supporters of the UAE Companies Investment Meet, which the Embassy recently organized under the title Unlocking Kuwait’s Potential.

The ceremony was held at the Embassy’s headquarters, attended by H.E. UAE Ambassador to Kuwait Dr. Mutar Al Neyadi, Kuwait Finance House Acting Group CEO Abdulwahab Iesa Alrushood, and Zain Kuwait Chief Corporate Affairs and Relations Officer Waleed Al Khashti.

Zain expressed its appreciation to the Embassy for this recognition, which acts as a testament to the company’s efforts to foster sustainable growth and enhance the business landscape. The event contributed to achieving economic diversification, promoting competitiveness, and positioning Kuwait on the regional map as an investment hub.

Zain strongly believes that Kuwait’s private sector is a key strategic partner to local developmental goals and remains a main pillar of success, as it plays a prominent role in promoting diversification, enhancing productivity, and fostering long-term sustainable growth. This has led Zain to support this event, which contributed to achieving these goals.

The UAE Companies Investment Meet aimed to enhance Kuwaiti-Emirati bilateral relations, diversify commercial partnerships in the Kuwaiti market and support their growth, explore promising investment opportunities to achieve sustainable growth, and offer space for exchanging ideas and expertise. It was joined by 20 UAE-based companies from across the market’s most vibrant sectors.

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