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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Jan 19: The Public Authority for Manpower has begun checking educational qualifications of expat workers who wish to renew or transfer their work work permits. 9 main titles under which 34 new titles have been added. Following jobs were classified:  Legislator, Manager, Specialist, Technicians, Professional assistants, Clerks, Workers in Sales & Services in market and shops, skilled workers in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, fishing, craftsmen and professions associated with them.  Factory machine operators, assembly workers.

The new classification defined the job titles of workers according to their academic qualifications, whether they have university degree holders or diploma holders. Teachers, Doctors, and Journalists are linked to their qualifications, reports Al Qabas. Under Legislator and Senior Employees clause contains professionals such as Consultant where as President, Chief Employee as specialist.