stc sponsors Kuwait University honor students’ graduation ceremony

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Kuwait City, May 22: Kuwait Telecommunications Company – stc, a world-class digital leader providing innovative services and platforms to customers, enabling the digital transformation in Kuwait, announced its sponsorship of the College of Arts graduation ceremony held for honor students at Kuwait University. The sponsorship comes as part of the education pillar under stc’s extensive corporate social responsibility framework, through the Company’s educational ‘upgrade’ initiative that was launched to support the local education system and empowering students in Kuwait.

The ceremony, held at the College of Arts at Kuwait University, was attended by Dr. Iman Tawfiq Al-Sharhan, Acting Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, Research, and Graduate Studies, who extended her heartfelt congratulations to the 60 honorary students for their exceptional academic performance. Dr. Al-Sharhan emphasized the significance of the students’ dedication and hard work, as well as the vital role of the academic staff in guiding and mentoring them. Members of stc’s team also attended the ceremony to support the students for their academic excellence and outstanding performance throughout their educational journey.

stc’s support for the graduation ceremony aligns with the Company’s ongoing commitment to promoting education and empowering the youth of Kuwait. The initiative is part of stc’s broader strategy to invest in the development of future leaders and innovators who will contribute to the growth and progress of the nation. As part of its commitment to support the community, stc launched the educational ‘upgrade’ initiative to play an active and contributing role in the local education system. stc remains committed to supporting educational initiatives and contributing to the development of a knowledge-based society in Kuwait. Through such sponsorships, stc aims to inspire and motivate the younger generation to strive for academic excellence and pursue their aspirations with confidence.

Commenting on the sponsorship, Danah AlJasem, General Manager of Corporate Communications at stc, said, “We are honored to sponsor the honor ceremony for the outstanding students at the College of Arts in Kuwait University. At stc, we believe in the power of education and the importance of recognizing and nurturing academic excellence. These students have demonstrated exceptional dedication and determination, and we are proud to support their achievements. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with educational institutions to foster a culture of excellence and innovation in Kuwait.”

AlJasem added, “In line with our educational ‘upgrade’ initiative, we are truly proud to sponsor and attend such events that highlight the outstanding achievers within our community. This sponsorship, as well as others, add to the range of diverse initiatives that we take part in under our expansive CSR program. We aim to create a lasting impact by supporting programs that cultivate knowledge, skills, and opportunities for young minds. It is our belief that through education and community engagement, we can drive sustainable growth and innovation across Kuwait.”

Dr. Al-Sharhan said, “I would like to congratulate our outstanding students at the College of Arts for their outstanding performance across various academic fields. This excellence is undoubtedly the result of putting great effort and having strong determination to succeed and excel. It also undoubtedly reflects the role played by the academic staff in teaching, guiding, and mentoring the students. Additionally, I would like to thank the team at stc for supporting our students and joining us in honoring them for their achievements. To our beloved graduates, I would like to say continue with your pursuit and passion, and I wish you all continued success and prosperity.”

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