Russian genius’s past life on Mars leaves scientists stumped

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Russian whiz kid’s Martian allegations confound researchers.

MOSCOW, Russia, April 14: Boriska Kipriyanovich, a 27-year-old from Volgograd, Russia, has sparked intrigue with extraordinary assertions about his purported past life and mission on Earth.

According to Boriska, he once belonged to a species from Mars, which faced devastation in a nuclear conflict millennia ago. Fearing a similar fate for Earth, he claims to have reincarnated as a human to prevent a nuclear apocalypse on our planet.

Identifying himself as an ‘Indigo Child’, Boriska suggests he is not alone in this unique journey. He claims there are others like him who survived the Martian conflict. Describing Martians as tall, technologically advanced beings capable of interstellar travel, Boriska shares memories of participating in wars and air raids on the red planet.

“I remember that time when I was 14 or 15 years old. The Martians were waging wars all the time so I would often have to participate in air raids with a friend of mine. We could travel in time and space flying in round spaceships, but we would observe life on Earth on triangular aircraft. Martian spaceships are very complicated,” he stated, according to reports.

Boriska recounts a tragic nuclear disaster on Mars resulting from conflicts between different Martian groups. Despite the devastation, he claims that a few survivors managed to rebuild and sustain themselves.

In an intriguing revelation, Boriska suggests that the Great Sphinx of Egypt holds the key to understanding human life. He believes that unlocking a hidden mechanism behind the Sphinx’s ear could bring about a significant change in human existence.

“The human life will change when the Sphinx is opened, it has an opening mechanism somewhere behind the ear; I do not remember exactly,” he mentioned.

Despite the unconventional nature of his claims, Boriska’s profound knowledge of space and remarkable wisdom have baffled scientists and experts. His exceptional abilities, observed from an early age, along with a deep interest in Mars and space, have left many intrigued. Throughout his schooling years, Boriska’s fascination with the solar system persisted until he revealed his alleged past life on the red planet.

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