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author name Arab Times

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Sheikh Mubarak Sheikh Mubarak

KUWAIT CITY, Oct 16, (KUNA): KUNA Board Chairman and Director General Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij Al-Ibrahim Al-Sabah on Sunday welcomed heads of the Arab news agencies taking part in the 44th General assembly of the Federation of Arab News Agencies Assembly (FANA), in Kuwait on Oct 17-19.

The meeting will address several issues on the Arab media scene. Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij, also FANA chairman, said in a press statement that the top press officials agree on the necessity of promoting performance and media discourse to counter the challenges facing the Arab region at this sensitive point.

He stressed the need for further efforts and cooperation, as well as making the utmost of the successful Arab expertise and exchanging views on issues that serve the Arab media. Fighting extremist thinking and disseminating awareness on the perils of extremism and terrorism will be a priority of the news agencies over the coming period, Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij said.

He called for using untraditional media to reach to youth who are targeted by extremists. According to the KUNA and FANA chairman, the Arab news agencies are facing several media challenges, especially dishonest competition from “unknown’ communication sources that only offer false and promote rumors.

Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij stressed the need to fight the phenomenon that impacts security and stability of the Arab societies. Swift publication of facts and true information, with credibility and objectivity, is of great significance. In addition, he called for countering attempts by foreign media to distort Arabs and Muslims, displaying Islam’s tolerance and how it renounces violence and discrimination. FANA has cut a long path in enhancing cooperation and coordination toward handling Arab and international news, and exchanging expertise, Sheikh Mubarak Al-Duaij. He called for harder work to reach the aspired goals.