PAAET and MoH to launch ‘school nursing’ diploma program

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KUWAIT CITY, May 27: The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training (PAAET) is working closely with the Ministry of Health to soon introduce a “School Nursing ” diploma program.

According to sources who spoke with Al-Anbaa, ongoing meetings between the Nursing Institute and the Ministry of Health are focused on developing plans and policies for this new program. The initiative aims to address the labor market’s needs and provide qualified nurses for both existing and new schools under the Ministry of Education.

The Ministry of Health is expected to outline its requirements for the “School Nursing” specialty for both male and female students. This includes defining the roles, responsibilities, and skills necessary for the position, as well as the curriculum and materials that will be part of the diploma program.

This initiative is designed to produce graduates who meet the highest standards of quality and efficiency, thereby fulfilling the labor market’s demand for well-trained school nurses.

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