Farms, pens, desert, abandoned areas to be raided

KUWAIT CITY, Sept 7: An informed security source said, “Violators of the residency law will be cornered, and inspection campaigns will not stop to arrest and deport them. The Ministry of Interior will not allow the presence of such violators on Kuwaiti soil”, reports Al-Qabas daily. In a press statement, the source said, “The train of security campaigns has started and will not stop. It will not exclude a site from inspection, as there is no place for residency violators in Kuwait, which will include even raiding the farms, pens, desert, and abandoned areas. A three-pronged plan was drawn up to corner residency violators, based on implementing impromptu campaigns, monitoring marginal workers, and sorting out specialized security teams to catch those who are in hiding. In this way, Kuwait will be without residency violators within two years.”
The source stressed that the instructions issued by the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Al- Khaled stipulated the necessity of pursuing residency and informal workers round the clock to purify the labor market and deport those who do not abide by the country’s laws. He affirmed that the security campaigns against residency violators and marginal workers will continue in all parts of the country on a larger scale and with a different approach than in previous years, so there will be no tolerance for those who violate the law.
The source said, “We are serious about working to fight residency violators and illegal workers without tolerance. We will not allow them to work in light of their lack of respect for the laws. At the same time, we welcome those who want to change their status and who meet the legal conditions. The security departments will deal with whoever approaches them with all respect. The security campaigns that were carried out in most areas of the country during the last period represented an implementation of the security plan that was drawn up, as a security cordon was imposed on those areas to monitor all violators of the residency law, and to monitor marginal workers and those who were reported as absconding.
The established security plan relied on distributing security teams throughout all parts of the country to check the documents of residents in markets and shops. These campaigns will continue to be held in all areas to arrest all violators.” The source affirmed the continuous coordination with the relevant state authorities to implement the plan to modify the demographic composition and give Kuwaitization the highest priority in parallel with the security plan to purify the country from the phenomena of visa-trade and random labor, announcing the closure of hundreds of fake companies and the punishment of their owners during the last period.
He touched on facilitating the deportation procedures for those who surrender themselves to the Ministry of Interior, as they will be deported to their country within four days after completing the procedures. The source said, “The security campaign plan depends on the elements of surprise, firmness, and speed of action to pursue violators, after extensive closures of the area being raided”, adding that this plan resulted in the arrest of many violators and marginal workers, and prevented their escape from the site.