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author name Arab Times

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Law protects rights of shop owners

KUWAIT CITY, Feb 5: There will be no increase in the rents for shops in the Al-Mubarakiya market either with the existing and ongoing contracts, including the shops whose contracts have expired if the original lessee has not been informed in advanced for not less than two months, reports Al-Anba daily.

The sources told the daily the law protects the rights of this category of shop owners who have the right to renew the contract automatically to the corresponding period as stipulated in the contracts.

According to the sources, the recourse by Kuwaiti owners of the original contracts to the sublease, for expatriates is not a legal gap or a breach based on the request to terminate the original contracts.

As for the evacuation of the residential complex, the sources explained that the decision of the Council of Ministers regarding the evacuation of the complex was issued several years ago.

As for the possibility of finding another solution, the sources said the residents were financially compensated and there is no justification for revoking them. The government has not withdrawn the request and continues to exist because it is directly related to the country’s credit rating and the sustainability of the general reserve.