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KUWAIT CITY, July 18, (KUNA): Kuwait’s parliament on Tuesday approved a number of suggestions pitched by lawmakers dealing with the government’s newly-unveiled work plan, which mainly include the launch of a website providing the intricacies behind the strategy. Another suggestion requires the government to provide parliament with a trimonthly report detailing the progress of the work plan, in addition to other ideas dealing with the feasibility of transforming Kuwait into a regional financial hub, which entails “relying on the expertise” of individuals who have found success in such endeavors. The Cabinet on Monday reaffirmed commitment to “commendable” cooperation between the executive and legislative branches.

Deputy Premier and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Essa Al-Kanderi, underlined after the Cabinet meeting the government’s keenness to sustain cooperation with parliament. Meanwhile, the National Assembly on Tuesday elected by acclamation, MP Dr. Hamad Al-Mutar as head of parliament caucus and MP Dr. Mohammed Al-Mahaan as secretary and Hamad Al-Obaid as treasurer. The voting came during the 1st annual meeting of the parliament caucus in the regular session of the 17th legislative term.

The parliament also elected by acclamations MPs Dawood Marfie, Shuaib Shaaban and Fahd Bin Jamea as members of the caucus. The Kuwaiti government’s new work program for the 17th legislative term (2023-27) unequivocally bespeaks “Kuwait 2035 Vision,” which is mainly designed to transform Kuwait into a regional and global financial and trade hub. The Gulf country’s primarily economic vision is also meant to, inter alia, create an attractive investment environment where the private sector leads the economy, to create competition, promote production efficiency, achieve human development and provide a congenial and updated legislative and business infrastructure. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al- Ahmad Al-Sabah, introducing the program, said that the government had presented its work plan to the parliament in line with Article 98 of the constitution and the principle of constructive cooperation between both legislative and executive authorities.

He added that the plan is considered a document of cooperation between both legislative and executive authorities, and aims at putting national interest first, wiping out obstacles and addressing challenges. He also regarded it as a document of partnership with the private sector and civil society organizations, which have a central role to play in achieving progress and development as part of the country’s future economic development drive. His Highness the Prime Minister cited the plan as including major economic and development projects aiming at ensuring economic diversification, improving development performance and addressing economic and financial challenges, as well as establishing an independent electoral commission.

The government’s work program consists of five axes involving a set of programs that are divided into executive projects that reflect the government’s 2023-27 orientations, and are based on the pillars of the development drive. This program’s priorities are centered on building a developed and sustainable economy, supporting human capital and improving quality of life, and enhancing government efficiency and boosting production. Regarding the program’s pillars, the list mainly embraces a fruitful partnership between the public and private sectors, prudence in public financial management, efficiency in resource management, a clear-cut government structure that enhances accountability and defines responsibilities, responsible and sustainable prosperity, an encouraging stimulus framework, unequivocal and implementable projects, accurate timetables, measurable outputs and effective management of government projects. The government’s work program has five axes, notably stability of public finance, economic agenda, job creation and capability-building, sustainable prosperity and solid human capital and productive government.

Each axis has certain programs, with the first targeting boosting and diversifying state revenues, curbing expenditures, upgrading state financial management and managing liquidity and financing. The second axis is intended to develop and promote prioritized sectors and sustainable economic growth potential. The projects of this axis chiefly target investment in local economy in order to overcome ongoing challenges achieve a productive and sustainable economy by spurring growth, and create added-value job opportunities.

To ensure effective allocation of state resources and notch up tangible outcomes, prioritized sectors are to be defined, with the private sector’s significant contribution to economic goals and business environment development being taken into consideration. Tourism and entertainment, transport and telecommunications and logistic services, housing and communications and technology, financial services, renewable energy, and oil and petrochemicals top the list of this axis’ programs. The third axis provides for qualifying citizens to work in the private sector and boosting state employees’ productivity. In relation to the fourth axis, its programs target ensuring responsible prosperity, strengthening social fabric, setting up sustainable cities and advanced infrastructure, a robust educational and research and development system, and knowledge-based society, investment in youth, sports and culture and developed health care. The programs of the fifth axis are meant to promote governance, regulatory structure and capabilities and establish a digitally empowered government.

The main features of the government work plan consists of 15 projects aiming at improving quality of life and promoting human prosperity, 21 projects aiming at boosting the public sector’s productivity, 13 projects purposed to upgrade Kuwait’s education rating, 36 projects targeting the private sector’s involvement and public subscription (over 10 projects of them are worth more than KD 100 million), nine projects designed to raise Kuwait’s health rating and 39 capital projects. His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah said Tuesday the government’s work program includes plans for added-value implementable projects with specific timetables.

Addressing a parliament session on the government’s program, the prime minister said the plan is considered a document of cooperation between both legislative and executive authorities, and establishes joint constructive work rules based on putting the supreme national interest first, wiping out obstacles and addressing challenges. It is also a document of partnership with the private sector and civil society organizations, which have a central role to play in achieving progress and development as part of Kuwait’s future vision aiming at serving the interest of generations to come, he stressed. He added that the government had presented its work plan in line with Article 98 of the constitution and the principle of constructive cooperation between both legislative and executive authorities, which is essential to serving public interest and carrying out the aspired achievements.

His Highness the Prime Minister cited the plan as including major economic and development projects aiming at ensuring economic diversification, improving development performance and addressing economic and financial challenges. Improving living conditions and answering social needs for citizens, mainly housing, education, health and entertainment, have been taken into account in the government’s work program, he pointed out.

The prime minister commended fruitful cooperation between the legislative and executive authorities in the enactment of a law that allows companies to establish new residential cities or areas, the amendment of the health insurance law to include more citizens. Kuwait Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Oil, Minister of State for Economic Affairs and Acting Minister of Finance Dr. Saad Al-Barrak said that the government’s work program for the 17th legislative term (2023- 2027) is practical and based on a clear vision. This came in Al-Barrak’s speech during the discussion of the Government’s work program in the Parliament’s special session that the program was created in a record time. He affirmed that the government will take into consideration the notes and observations of the MPs. He also displayed the government’s work program consisting of five axes, and each one includes several programs. These programs are divided into executive projects that reflect the government’s vision for the years (2023-2027).