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Minster quizzed about 40 yrs and above single women status

KUWAIT CITY, Jan 13: MP Yousef Al-Fadala has submitted a proposal to form a committee consisting of representatives from the ministries of Interior, Commerce and Industry and Kuwait Municipality to issue seasonal market licenses in order to prevent blunders and complications that come with the issuance of such licenses through normal channels. He explained shops selling local produce and manned by nationals are usually established in public parks, beaches and other open spaces during winter.

However, the owners of these small and medium enterprises often experience complications with various authorities like the Municipality and Ministry of Commerce and Industry; hence, the need for the committee to support these establishments, he added.

Meanwhile, noticing that street lights are on before sunset and off after sunrise, MP Adnan Abdulsamad submitted queries in this regard to the minister of electricity and water. He asked about the system in turning on and off such lights, why these lights are turned on and off very early with some lights being turned on more than 15 minutes before sunset, yearly cost of lighting up highways and roads, and the cost per minute. He requested the Ministry of Electricity and Water to calculate savings if the street lights are turned on and off at a later time than the current practice. On the other hand, MP Mohammed Al-Dalaal submitted queries to the minister of social affairs and labor about single women who are above 40 years old. He wants to know the current number of these women, their professional status, academic background, studies on the difficulties they face if any, and plans to improve their conditions if any.

Moreover, MP Mohammed Al-Hadiya submitted queries on the natural reserves in the country to the minister of public works. He clarified that this is in view of what the Environment Public Authority (EPA) mentioned in its website about natural reserves occupying a large part of the Kuwaiti desert. He said the authority pointed out this limits the space for grazing; considering animals, shepherds and the public in general are not allowed to enter natural reserves. He inquired about the number of natural reserves in the country, their names and reasons for choosing these particular areas. He wants to know if there were dialogues with other concerned authority on this matter. If yes, he requested for copies of these dialogues and reasons for closing these reserves to the public.

By Ahmed Al-Naqeeb Arab Times Staff