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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, May 25: The Kuwait Ministry of Health announced today, to implement procedures on dealing with cases of coronavirus among the medical staff working.

The undersecretary of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Mostafa Reda, said that the health ministry has adopted these procedures to confront this virus in order to provide the best health services to the patients.

Dr. Mostafa Reda

Reza added that within the framework the cases of infection of coronavirus will be dealt with by a special mechanism that includes two parts.

The first is infected cases through contact will quarantined and a smear test will be done, if the result of the person is negative on the fifth day and if he does not have symptoms he will return to work on the seventh day provided that he adheres to the use of personal protection methods.

The second part is the confirmed cases where the case is quarantined for two weeks and smear test has been done on the 12th and 13th day the result is negative and does not suffer from symptoms, he will return to work on day 14 with use of personal protection methods. (KUNA)