Ministry of Education affirms flexible working hours for school staff

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Fingerprint system unchanged: Ministry of Education clarifies attendance protocol.

KUWAIT CITY, May 20: In an official statement released today, Monday, the Ministry of Education reaffirmed the continuation of the approved mechanism for flexible working hours for all school workers. This decision, previously announced, remains in effect to accommodate the diverse needs of educational and administrative staff members.

The Ministry emphasized that the fingerprint system currently in place has not undergone any alterations. Specifically, the system for recording the attendance and departure of educational and administrative staff remains unchanged, except for individuals tasked with conducting examinations either within or outside their school premises. These exceptions are made due to the unique nature of their responsibilities during examination periods.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Education urged the public to exercise caution and precision when disseminating information, emphasizing the importance of obtaining news from verified sources and official Ministry accounts. This call for accuracy aims to prevent the spread of misinformation and ensure that the public receives reliable updates regarding educational policies and procedures.

For further inquiries or clarifications, individuals are encouraged to refer to official Ministry channels for accurate and up-to-date information.

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