Mandatory meningism vaccination for Hajj pilgrims this season: MoH

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KUWAIT CITY, May 11: On Friday, the Ministry of Health, following regulatory authorities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, released crucial health guidelines for the upcoming Hajj season. As per a statement issued by the Ministry of Health, prospective Hajj applicants must have received the meningococcal vaccine “ACW135Y.” Additionally, pilgrims are strongly advised to obtain seasonal vaccinations such as “influenza,” “pneumococcal,” and “Covid-19.” The statement emphasized that all vaccines administered within Kuwait are on the approved list provided by the Saudi Ministry of Health.

Furthermore, it was highlighted that Hajj vaccinations must be completed at one of the preventive health clinics situated in primary health care centers, at least 10 days before the scheduled travel date. Pilgrims were urged to strictly adhere to the preventive instructions outlined by the Saudi health authorities during the performance of Hajj rituals.

The Ministry of Health elaborated that Hajj vaccinations are readily available at 41 preventive health sites, spanning primary health care centers and hospitals across all governorates of Kuwait. Emphasis was placed on the importance of retaining all vaccination certificates while traveling to ensure compliance with Hajj regulations and requirements.

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