Kuwaiti’s Prison Sentence for Dud Cheque Revoked Amid Loan Shark Allegations

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KUWAIT CITY, May 26: The Misdemeanor Discrimination Department has revoked a previous ruling that sentenced a citizen to two months in prison with hard labor for issuing a dud cheque, reports Al-Anba daily. According to court papers, the judge decided to abstain from issuing any verdict and freed the man without bail but ordered him to sign a pledge of good conduct. Attorney Ahmed Al-Ahmad, representing the defendant, alleged that the plaintiff company engages in unethical lending practices, offering citizens loans with exorbitant interest rates, sometimes up to eight times the borrowed amount. Additionally, the company allegedly coerces borrowers into signing multiple cheques for a single transaction, then submits these cheques to authorities for amounts significantly higher than the original loan. Al-Ahmad argued that his client had no criminal intent in issuing the bad cheque and contended that the lending company was aware of the insufficient funds in the defendant’s account at the time the agreement was made and the cheque was issued.

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