
DOHA, Sept 3: Newly graduated Kuwaiti engineers, partaking in Doha's Huawei "Tech4Good" contest, affirmed on Sunday that the importance of developing skills in the fields of IT and AI. The six-day event - partake of the "Seeds for the Future" Program - sees the participation of 190 individuals from 15 countries. including Kuwait's 10 participants. Speaking to KUNA, Engineer Ali Taqi said that it was important to develop one's IT and AI skills, stressing that participation in the Huawei event was one of the opportunities to represent Kuwait in such fields. Kuwait's development vision includes excelling in AI technology, said Taqi who expressed a strong desire to give back to Kuwait.
On her part, Manar Al-Saeed; another Kuwaiti participant, said the event saw wide participation from GCC states and Asian countries, noting that the winners of the Tech4Good contest would qualify to the next stage to be held on September 10-16 in the UAE and from there to the final round in China later on. According to Huawei, the Tech4Good contest is part of the Seeds for the Future program is geared towards "The tech-savvy and change-resilient young talents." Huawei added, "It's our mission to make sure young talents have access to the necessary skillsets and mindsets to commence in a fast-changing world." "This platform is constructed to share various opportunities such as online courses, competitions, exchange programs, scholarships and beyond. We want to provide our talented young people with the best STEM opportunities possible, and help them succeed their dreams and contribute to the world." Huawei was established in 1986 as a privately owned company in the Chinese city of Shenzhen. Huawei operates in 170 countries. (KUNA)