Kuwait has KD 3.4 bln worth projects in ’15/16

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KUWAIT CITY, March 18, (KUNA): The Ministry of Public Works said Thursday there were 30 projects which were in the 2015-16 development plan with a value of KD 3.437 billion. A Kuwait Dinar (KD) equals $3.3.

Assistant Undersecretary for Planning and Development Abdulmohsen Al-Enezi said projected cost of total development projects amounted to KD 7.773 billion.

He said the Ministry of Public Works has a total of 115 development projects, of them 30 for 2015-16. Al-Enezi said there were six development projects to be implemented next year, like the Jaber causeway, the regional highway, Kuwait International Airport expansion, the Police Hospital, Mubarak Al-Kabeer port and the new Maternity hospital.

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