VIENNA, Sept 15, (Agencies): Kuwait on Wednesday reaffirmed support to and appreciation of the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to verify the commitment to the UN Security Council 2231 regarding Iran’s nuclear program. The State of Kuwait viewed with concern the latest report of the IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi on Iran, Representative of Kuwait to the IAEA Sadiq Marafisaid in a statement to the Board of Governors of the UN nuclear watchdog. The report shows that “breaches” continue regarding Iran’s obligations to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which is a serious matter, he said. The State of Kuwait look forward to Iran endorsing of the Additional Protocol with a view to ensuring the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program, Ambassador Marafiadded. The ongoing session of the IAEA Board of Governors opened on Monday to prepare for the annual general conference of the UN Agency, due next week.
The International Atomic Energy Agency had shown in its latest report that the total stockpile of enriched uranium, estimated in the form of uranium hexafluoride, still exceeded the limits stipulated in the Iranian nuclear agreement. The report also noted that Iran had not informed the agency since February 23 about its heavy water stockpile, and that the agency had not been able to access data and recordings collected by its equipment. It is noteworthy that the Security Council unanimously adopted on July 20, 2015 Resolution 2231, in which it endorsed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of the Iranian nuclear agreement, stressing that the full implementation of this plan will contribute to building confidence in the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear program.
Iran, meanwhile, acknowledged on Wednesday that it had removed several surveillance cameras installed by U.N. nuclear inspectors at a centrifuge assembly site that came under a mysterious attack earlier this year. The chief of the country’s nuclear program, Mohammad Eslami, sought to portray the removal of cameras as Tehran’s response to world powers reneging on their commitments under the tattered 2015 nuclear deal. “The parties did not implement their commitments so there were no necessity for the cameras’ existence,” Eslami said after a meeting with lawmakers - remarks apparently aimed at his own domestic audience under the country’s new hard-line President Ebrahim Raisi.
Eslami’s comments come days after a confidential International Atomic Energy Agency report that revealed the nuclear watchdog found four surveillance cameras to be destroyed and damaged after their removal from the centrifuge manufacturing site in Karaj, a city about 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of Tehran. In June, Iran accused Israel of mounting a sabotage attack on the site, which makes components for machines used to enrich uranium. Without disclosing details of the assault, Iranian authorities acknowledged the strike had damaged the building.