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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 9: Officers from Ahmadi Security Directorate arrested a Syrian woman for begging. She was in possession of KD 23,000. A security source said officers on tour of duty of Fahaheel market area observed the woman as she approached passersby to ask for money, claiming she had a serious medical condition. She was arrested and referred to relevant authorities for necessary action. A security source said the Interior Ministry will continue on its campaign against the phenomenon of begging.

Indian attempts suicide: An Indian expatriate tried to commit suicide by consuming bleach substance Clorox. A security source said the Operations Room received information that an Indian expatriate had been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of Adan Hospital in critical condition after an attempt to end his own life. Acting on information, a team of officers went to Adan Hospital and learnt that colleagues of the man had brought him to the medical facility unconscious after he allegedly consumed Clorox. Officers are waiting for his health to improve to determine the reason behind the suicide attempt

Liquor seized: Security operatives arrested an Indian expatriate in possession of 10 bottles of local alcohol in Abdullah Port area. A security source said the man aroused suspicion of patrolmen when they saw him with a box on his shoulder. He threw the box and tried to escape upon sighting the officers but they managed to chase and arrest him. They went ahead to check content of the box and found bottles of local brew. He was referred to concerned authorities for necessary action.

Toddler molested: An unidentified woman has filed a complaint with the Salwa Police Station accusing her Filipino housemaid of molesting her 2-year-old daughter, reports Al-Anba daily. The mother said she discovered it by chance. She told police the maid did this to take revenge on the family. The toddler has been referred to Forensics.

By Mishal Al-Sanousi Al-Seyassah Staff and Agencies