Justin Bieber’s wax figure unveiled at Madame Tussauds

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Madame Tussauds has unveiled a new wax figure of Justin Bieber.

LOS ANGELES, March 3, (Agencies): Justin Bieber did a double take as Madame Tussauds marked his 30th birthday with the unveiling of a lifelike wax figure in his honor. The new Bieber statue, now showcased at the museum’s Hollywood, California location, meticulously replicates real-life details such as his neck tattoos and the iconic puffer jacket and outfit from his 2021 “Peaches” music video.

Taking to Instagram on Friday, the tourist attraction playfully declared, “Justin Bieber’s 30th birthday candles aren’t the only thing wax here.” Madame Tussauds invited fans to share birthday wishes for JB, emphasizing the arrival of the striking wax figure in Hollywood.

To amplify the festivities, Madame Tussauds organized a birthday bash for both the genuine Bieber and his wax counterpart. Fans were welcomed to join in the celebration at the Hollywood location, indulging in treats, snapping selfies, and enjoying music to commemorate the latest addition to the museum’s collection.

This wax figure joins a series of tributes Madame Tussauds has crafted over the years, each capturing the essence of Bieber. The museum’s global presence has seen various wax figures of the pop sensation showcased in cities like Las Vegas, New York, and London, making it a longstanding tradition to honor the musical icon.

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