Jordanian sheep approved for import to Kuwait ahead of Eid Al-Adha

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Kuwait to receive Jordanian sheep via Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

KUWAIT CITY, May 19: The General Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources has approved the importation of a batch of sacrificial animals, signaling the imminent arrival of sheep and sacrificial animals from Jordan. These animals will enter Kuwait via the Iraqi border, specifically through the Abdali port, in anticipation of the upcoming Eid Al-Adha festivities.

This decision aims to prevent a surge in prices and ensure that sacrificial animals are available at reasonable rates for the local market. The Authority has streamlined all procedures to expedite the entry of sheep into the market promptly while ensuring their safety and compliance with all veterinary quarantine requirements to uphold food security standards.

In addition, the Authority acknowledged the approval received from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to open a transit road, facilitating the importation process of sacrificial animals from Jordan to Kuwait. This collaboration underscores efforts to enhance efficiency in the importation chain and ensure the timely availability of sacrificial animals for Eid Al-Adha celebrations.

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