Jennifer Garner gets emotional as daughter Violet graduates high school

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Jennifer Garner shares her emotional journey as her daughter graduates high school.

LOS ANGELES, May 21: Jennifer Garner, the renowned actress known for her roles in movies like “13 Going on 30,” recently shared a bittersweet moment with her fans. Garner expressed her emotional state as her eldest daughter, Violet, reached a significant milestone by completing high school.

Taking to Instagram on May 20, Garner shared her feelings, saying, “Tell me you have a graduate without telling me you have a graduate,” accompanied by the hashtag #blessourhearts. She posted photos capturing the heartfelt moment, showing herself tearing up while applauding the graduates in a crowd and wiping away tears on the outdoor campus.

Despite the celebratory occasion, the 52-year-old actress encountered a moment of panic when she almost missed the festivities. Garner shared a video from a plane, expressing her concern, “How are we going to make it? What are we going to do?”

While Garner didn’t share images of Violet donning her cap and gown, she has been keeping her followers updated on her daughter’s journey. Back in November, Garner revealed that Violet was in the midst of the college application process, handling the excitement and stress with grace. “She’s handling it like a champ and she’s totally in charge. She’s a self-starter,” Garner shared on “Live with Kelly and Mark.”

Despite the passage of time and her children growing up, Garner cherishes certain traditions, including a special Mother’s Day moment with Violet, Seraphina, and Samuel. Reflecting on the tradition, Garner shared on the “Kelly Corrigan Wonders” podcast in May, “I have one ask, and it is that when my kids were really little, on some Mother’s Day, they all sat on my lap one after the other all at once for a picture.” She continued, “And I want that picture every year, even though it’s ridiculous at this point. They’re so big. But I make them take it and they are just like, ‘Mom.’ But that’s my ask.”

As Garner navigates the joys and challenges of parenting, her candid moments on social media continue to resonate with fans, offering glimpses into the relatable experiences of motherhood and family life.

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