KUWAIT CITY, March 2: An expatriate working as a deliveryman on a motorcycle was detained at Maidan Hawally Police Station on charges of seriously injuring another expatriate in the head after running him over on Tunis Street, reports Al-Anba daily. The accused claimed that the victim was busy talking on his mobile phone while crossing Tunis Street and his attempts to warn him failed.
The victim’s uncle said that he received a WhatsApp call from his nephew at 12:43 am, but he was surprised to hear the voice of an unknown person who asked if he is related to the owner of the telephone. When he replied in the affirmative, the caller informed him that his nephew had died in an accident. He rushed to Tunis Street where he found his nephew lying in the middle of the street with blood oozing from the back of his head, right ear and mouth. The ambulance arrived within three to five minutes and took the victim to Mubarak Hospital.