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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Dec 6: As Kuwait grapples with the onset of a season characterized by a surge in fly populations, residents are facing an unwelcome invasion of these pests into their homes. The annual challenge disrupts daily life and raises apprehensions about potential health risks, prompting a collective effort to understand the causes behind the fly invasion and implement crucial precautions for mitigating its impact on households and public health.

Kuwait grapples with a yearly influx of flies into homes.

The increased prevalence of flies in Kuwait is attributed to a combination of factors. Favorable temperatures in the region create optimal conditions for rapid fly reproduction, exacerbated by improper waste disposal practices, particularly in residential areas. The accumulation of organic matter and food waste becomes a breeding ground, acting as a magnet for these pests and leading to an increased influx into homes.

Beyond the annoyance of constant buzzing and persistent swatting, the invasion of flies poses potential health risks for residents. Flies, notorious carriers of pathogens and bacteria, act as vectors for various diseases. Their contact with food and surfaces in homes raises concerns about the transmission of harmful microorganisms, putting residents at risk of infections and gastrointestinal illnesses.

According to health experts, flies carry microbes in their stomachs and legs, spreading bacteria in any place they inhabit, including homes, restaurants, or hospitals. Urging residents not to underestimate the presence of these insects, experts emphasize the immediate need for elimination.

The fly serves as a vital carrier of diseases such as typhoid, cholera, salmonella, tuberculosis, diarrhea, and anthrax. Health experts anticipate a decline in the fly population when temperatures fall below 20 degrees. They note the emergence of another type of fly with the advent of spring and the beginning of summer.

Experts explain that the cocoon (the critical stage) until it transforms into a full-fledged fly is between 4 and 6 days, influenced by humidity and temperature. Huge clusters of cocoons in certain places have been observed due to high humidity and mild temperatures following rains, leading to increased mating and reproduction.

Residents are urged to adopt various precautions to mitigate the health risks associated with the fly invasion. Proper waste management, including the correct disposal of food waste and maintaining clean surroundings, significantly reduces attractants for flies. The installation of screens on doors and windows serves as a physical barrier, preventing flies from entering homes, and electronic repellents and traps are being explored as efficient methods to control the fly population.

Maintaining personal and home hygiene, especially in areas where food is prepared and consumed, is emphasized to minimize the risk of contamination by fly-borne pathogens. Local authorities and community organizations are playing a pivotal role in spreading awareness about the causes of fly invasions and promoting preventive measures through educational campaigns.

The annual invasion of flies into Kuwaiti homes calls for a collective effort and heightened awareness throughout the year. By understanding the causes, implementing effective precautions, and supporting community-wide initiatives for proper waste management, residents aim to minimize health impacts and create a more comfortable living environment.