Home of House Democrat Adam Smith in Bellevue vandalized

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On Thursday night, the home of House Democrat Adam Smith in Bellevue, Wash., was vandalized by individuals advocating for a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip.

Bellevue police are collaborating with USCapitol Police to investigate the incident. The vandalism included red spray-painted graffiti with a pro-cease-fire message on Smith’s garage door. As of now, no arrests have been made, and there have been no reports of similar vandalism in the area.

The temporary cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, allowing for the exchange of captives, concluded on Friday local time.

Over 100 hostages held in the Gaza Strip have been released.

Adam Smith, a Congressman since 1996, has previously expressed his stance on the conflict between Israel and Hamas. In an October 28 statement, he supported Israel’s fight against Hamas militants and emphasized the need to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Smith, who engages with individuals across the ideological spectrum, called for a rejection of the rise in political violence and urged open dialogue.

The ongoing conflict has prompted criticism of U.S. support for Israel, with President Biden facing backlash, particularly from young voters and some staffers. Representative Rashida Tlaib, the only Palestinian American member of Congress, was censured in early November for comments related to the war. Incidents like protests and arrests have occurred, highlighting the contentious nature of the issue. (Agencies)

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