
KUWAIT CITY, Sept 27: On Wednesday, the Ministry of Health inaugurated its winter vaccination campaign for the 2023/2024 season at Al Rawda Health Center, with the esteemed presence of Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi, the Minister of Health, alongside several key leaders from the ministry. Dr. Munther Al-Hasawi, Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs, shared with the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) that this extensive campaign spans over 50 health centers, strategically placed across all regions of Kuwait.
The primary focus of this initiative will be on administering influenza and pneumonia vaccinations, which are known to be prevalent during the winter season. Dr. Al-Hasawi emphasized the critical nature of receiving vaccinations, particularly for individuals with risk factors such as obesity, asthma, other respiratory conditions, and diabetes. He clarified that influenza vaccinations are recommended from as early as six months of age to mitigate the severity of the disease, reduce the duration of infection transmission, and minimize the days of suffering from related complications for infected individuals.
Furthermore, Dr. Al-Hasawi highlighted the Ministry’s commitment to ensuring an ample supply of vaccinations for all targeted groups, expressing the readiness to provide additional vaccinations if the need arises. He also noted that while there are various respiratory viruses, the vaccination program primarily safeguards against the most aggressive strains, numbering four in total. Dr. Al-Hasawi assured the public that these vaccines are readily available at all designated vaccination centers under the Ministry’s jurisdiction.
Dr. Walid Al-Busairi, the Director of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Health District and the Acting Director of the Capital Health District, echoed the importance of receiving vaccinations unless there are medical contraindications. He explained that vaccinations not only decrease the likelihood of infection but also reduce the severity of the illness in case of infection, thereby lowering hospitalization rates due to complications. (KUNA)