KUWAIT CITY, Jan 15: A source from Kuwait Municipality affirmed that the idea of stopping Friday Market is not applicable in any way, because the market was established under the B.O.T. system and the Municipality will be exposed to huge fines if the contract is terminated, reports Al-Rai daily.
The same source added the Municipality has proposed other locations which the Government Manpower and Restructuring Program (GMRP) can use for the youth related project but the sector rejected them all. He noted the Friday Market is among the profitable projects that yield huge returns for the state treasury. He called for GMRP to withdraw its proposal and address the Municipality to seek out another proposal that will not affect the state treasury.
Member of the Municipal Council Ahmad Al-Baghli also objected to the idea of stopping the Friday Market or transforming it to another project to serve Kuwaiti youths only. He considered the market to be a successful project and suggested that GMRP creates six projects for the youth in all six governorates far from the Friday Market. Meanwhile, as part of the plan to stop public fund wastage and to streamline expenses, Ministry of Finance has issued a directive to all ministries and government institutions directing against the recruitment of expatriates or the creation of new jobs for them unless it is necessary, reports Al-Nahar daily.
The ministry has since urged the institutions to present their employment need and quota of expatriate personnel to the highest administration or concerned minister for assessment before referral to Civil Service Commission (CSC). It pointed out that CSC will revise the requirements after verifying that Kuwaitis can not be recruited for such jobs and then presented to the Council of Ministers for clarification.