Four Arrested in Raid on Largest Liquor Factory in Kuwait

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KUWAIT CITY, May 9: Al-Ahmadi detectives conducted a raid on what has been identified as the largest local liquor factory of the year 2024 in the Umm Al-Hayman area. During the operation, authorities apprehended four expatriates within the premises. The raid resulted in the seizure of significant quantities of illicit materials, including 214 large barrels containing intoxicating substances, 8 distillation barrels, 400 bottles of ready-for-sale, 500 bags of manufacturing materials, and 1,600 empty bottles intended for packaging.

The investigation was prompted by information received by the Abdullah and Ali Sabah Al-Salem Port Investigation Office regarding the presence of a locally operated liquor factory in Block 6 of the Ali Sabah Al-Salem (Umm Al-Hayman) area. Following verification of the credibility of this intelligence, legal authorization was obtained from the Deputy Public Prosecutor to proceed with the operation. The suspects confessed to renting an entire house for 650 dinars and utilizing it for over a year for the production of locally distilled alcohol. It was revealed that every part of the house, including bathrooms and kitchens, had been repurposed as manufacturing and storage facilities.

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