
KUWAIT CITY, Sept 21: The official spokesman for the Ministry of Communications Dr. Ahmad Al-Husseini says the ministry will cancel the telephone services provided on the copper network in Adan, Qusour and Fintas areas and replace them with more advanced services provided via the fiber-optic network. In a statement issued yesterday, Al-Husseini explained that the ministry will work from Sunday for a period of two months to cancel the services it provides via the traditional copper network and offer more advanced services via fiber-optic technology in the three areas.
This step comes within the ministry’s efforts to develop its telephone services by transforming its telephone networks from copper to fiber optics. This measure came as a result of some residents of those areas not taking the initiative to request replacing the old telephone network with the new fiber-optic network by installing a fiber-optic device (ONT). There are still subscribers receiving the services provided on the copper network, which falls within the second phase of the fiber optic project in the aforementioned areas.