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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, May 19: MP Osama Al-Shaheen asked Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Oil and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Muhammad Al-Fares if the Council of Ministers has determined the minister in charge of the lopsided demographic structure issue as per Article One of law number 74/2020 on demographic imbalance.

He wants to know if the Council of Ministers issued the executive regulations to address the demographic imbalance issue as stated in Article Three of the law, which has been in effect since Nov 28, 2020. He also inquired why the executive decree on the law has yet to be issued, taking into consideration that Article Five of the same law stipulates one year grace period for the Council of Ministers to issue the decree.

Meanwhile the Public Authority for Manpower has decided to postpone the amendment of the percentages of national labor in the private sector, which was to be increased according to directions to support national labor in the sector and in coordination with the Civil Service Council. The decision to postpone was to make further study in setting appropriate ratios and perceptions. PAM is keen on recruiting Kuwaiti youth in various sectors and institutions especially in the banking sector with more Kuwaiti employees.