Crackdown on Violations and Abandoned Vehicles

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KUWAIT CITY, Feb 14:  In collaboration with the Kuwait Municipality, the General Traffic Administration recently conducted a comprehensive traffic enforcement operation resulting in the issuance of 90 traffic violations, the impoundment of two non-compliant vehicles, and the removal of 18 abandoned vehicles.

This initiative reflects the security establishment’s commitment to addressing various traffic-related issues, including violations by workshops and garages. The aim is to tackle negative practices, seize offending vehicles, and take legal action against non-compliant establishments and craftsmen.

During the operation, which targeted workshops, garages, and craftsmen in the Al-Rai area of the Capital Governorate, a total of 90 traffic violations were recorded. Additionally, two vehicles were impounded for violating height restrictions and paint damage, as well as for having expired insurance and licenses. The Kuwait Municipality also contributed to the effort by removing 18 abandoned vehicles from the area.

The General Traffic Administration reaffirms its dedication to ongoing enforcement campaigns and emphasizes that it will rigorously enforce traffic laws to ensure the safety of all road users. Compliance with traffic regulations is essential for safeguarding public safety on the roads.

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