Court Rejects Unconstitutionality Appeal for Information Crime Law

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KUWAIT CITY, Nov 1: The Constitutional Court has rejected the appeal against the unconstitutionality of the Law on Combating Information, Publications, and Publications Crimes, considering that it did not consider the validity of the claim that these laws violate the articles of the Constitution.

The court also ruled not to accept two appeals submitted by two companies that argued that some articles of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code were unconstitutional, reports Al-Rai Daily.

With regard to the appeal against information crimes and the publications law, the court affirmed that it is natural for the legislator to criminalize everything that might harm people’s dignity or their lives.

The court stressed that “this meaning is understood by people and does not differ in its content, and therefore the claim that the law violates personal freedom or conflicts with the articles of the Constitution is based on no basis.”

Moreover, the court stated that the legislator published everything that would affect the dignity of persons and that harming it would be by diminishing a person’s value, belittling him, abusing him, and distinguishing between him and others in order to belittle him, and this is the meaning that is understood by people and they do not disagree about its content, which is what constitutes the aforementioned phrase.

It has become clear in a way without ambiguity, clearly indicating the nature of the sinful act, and therefore the allegation that it violates personal freedom or conflicts with the aforementioned articles of the Constitution is based on no basis, which is why the judiciary must reject the case.

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