Chinese envoy, Kuwaitis attend language course

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KUWAIT CITY, May 14: Chinese Ambassador to Kuwait Zhang Jianwei attended the opening ceremony of the first Chinese language learning class for Kuwait civil servants hosted by the Kuwait China Culture Center. Dr. Mohammad Al-Jassar, Secretary-General of National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters (NCCAL), Mr. Xia Jianfeng, Director of the Cultural Center, and about 40 Kuwaiti friends attended the event.

Ambassador Zhang Jianwei

Ambassador Zhang said that in recent years, more and more Kuwaiti friends hope to learn Chinese, understand China, and strengthen cooperation with China. The Chinese Embassy in Kuwait is willing to actively build a Chinese learning and exchange platform and welcomes more friends to learn Chinese language and culture to gain an in-depth experience of China’s development and better promote exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

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