‘Adamant patients could have heart attack’

KUWAIT CITY, Sept 20: The Ministry of Health stressed that carrying out unsafe medical practices, which are outside the standard of care, for specific disease cases, sets a precedent for medical practice and derails it from its correct path, reports Al- Anba daily. In a press statement, the Ministry of Health said, “In the medical practices governed by the customs and laws regulating the profession, the selection of the necessary treatment is based on the discretion of the treating physician in accordance with approved medical protocols in the field, and not by any other party.”
With reference to the reports circulating about a patient’s request for repeated dispensing of a specific medication from the emergency department of a hospital, the ministry explained that this patient suffers from a chronic blood disease, and frequently visits the emergency department. The patient visited the emergency department about three times last week to receive the necessary treatment. She was admitted the third time, but she eventually left on her own before completing the treatment plan, which usually takes several days.
According to the available information, the patient does not regularly visit the pain clinic in the same hospital as required, as the treatment plan is supposed to be drawn up for her with the specified doses of painkillers, and not by visiting emergency departments. This patient used to assault the medical staff in the hospital, and had previously destroyed some of the department’s equipment during moments of anger, in her attempts to obtain a specific analgesic drug. Some pain relievers are classified as narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, which should be dispensed with caution in accordance with therapeutic protocols, and cannot be dispensed on a daily basis in order to preserve the health and safety of the patient. If they are dispensed outside the framework of the medical protocol, this exposes the patient to complications that may reach cardiac arrest, God forbid.