I am an engineer and staying with my family on permanent visa. My current company is transferring me to a Saudi project. My Kuwait visa is valid up to Nov 18, 2019, and my family visa valid upto Oct 29, 2019. My company gave me visit visa for Saudi with multiple exit and entry. I will keep my family in Kuwait until their visa validity. I will send my family to India just before their visa expires. I just want to know that if I send my family from Kuwait permanently, do I need to cancel their visa or can I send them without cancellation. I requested to my company not to cancel my Kuwait visa upto Nov 18, 2019. If I send my family without cancelling their visa what will be the problems I might face.
Name withheld
Answer: It doesn’t take much time to cancel the family visa so why not just cancel the visas before the family leaves Kuwait for good. Even though the visas will automatically be cancelled after six months outside Kuwait, you don’t lose anything by cancelling the visas but stand to gain everything if there are sanctions to be meted out for noncancellation especially if in future you want to come back to Kuwait with your family joining you later.
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