‘Alopecia Areata’ is treatable immune disease

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KUWAIT CITY, May 22: The Kuwait Dermatologists Association, a branch of the Kuwait Medical Association, has initiated an educational awareness campaign centered on alopecia universalis. Themed “From the Darkness of Emptiness to the Light of Knowledge … Learn More About Alopecia,” this campaign aims to inform the community about this autoimmune condition, its causes, and the latest treatment options available through the Ministry of Health, as reported by Al Jarida newspaper. Dr. Abeer Al-Bathali, the Secretary of the Association, highlighted that the Ministry of Health provides a range of treatments for alopecia areata across all dermatology departments.

These treatments include topical applications, injections, phototherapy, and the latest advancements in biological medications. These modern treatments are crucial in managing the condition, controlling its progression, and preventing further spread. The campaign began at Jaber Al- Ahmad, Al-Jahra, and Al-Farwaniyah hospitals, with plans to expand to other hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health. This initiative is part of the association’s continuous efforts to raise awareness about alopecia and support individuals affected by the condition.

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