Al-Qadisiya suffers first loss in the Handball Premier League  

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Players challenge for the ball.

KUWAIT CITY, May 23: Al-Qadisiya suffered its first loss in the Premier Handball League, falling to Kazma with a score of 26-31 in the second round of the league. This round also saw Al-Arabi’s first defeat, losing to Kuwait Club with a score of 22-32, while Al-Salmiya experienced its second loss in the Premier League, this time to Burgan with a score of 24-38.

With the results of the second round of the Premier Handball League, the competition heats up, entering a critical phase where losing points in the first leg may be irreparable in the return leg. All matches are crucial among the six participating teams.

After the second round, Kuwait Club leads with 28 points, followed by Al-Qadisiya with 25 points. Kazma is close behind with 24 points, Al-Salmiya with 21 points, Al-Arabi with 19 points, and Burgan with 18 points.

The tight competition among the teams signals intense upcoming rounds. Three matches are scheduled for today in the third round: Burgan will face Al-Arabi at 4:30 pm, followed by a clash between Al-Salmiya and Al-Qadisiya at 6:00 pm. The day concludes with a highly anticipated match between Kuwait Club and Kazma at 7:30 pm.

Khaled El Anzi

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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