Al-Musallam, Spanish Sports Leaders explore the 2031 Aquatics Championship hosting

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The President of the International Aquatics Federation, Hussein Al-Musallam, (2nd from right) with the Spanish sports officials.

MADRID, May 26: The President of the International Aquatics Federation, Hussein Al-Musallam, met with Spanish Minister of Sports Monica Garcia. The meeting was also attended by the President of the Spanish Olympic Committee, Alejandro Blanco, and the President of the Spanish Aquatics Federation, Raul Crepin, and the Mayor of Madrid, Jose Almeida. They discussed Spain’s potential hosting of the 2031 World Aquatics Championships.

This discussion aligns with the International Aquatics Federation’s strategic plans under Hussein Al-Musallam’s leadership. These plans aim to distribute championships across all five continents, promote swimming globally, and expand its reach to remote areas, thereby nurturing successive generations of swimming athletes.

Hussein Al-Musallam highlighted that Spain is a leading nation in water sports and possesses the necessary capabilities to successfully host such a prestigious global event.

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