Al-Arabi to extend Iweala’s contract for another season

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A file photo of Al-Arabi players celebrating.

KUWAIT CITY, May 22: The Board of Directors of Al-Arabi Club plans to retain Nigerian professional, Anayo Iweala, for another season following his impressive performance since joining the team last summer.

Negotiations for renewing his contract are well underway, with both parties close to finalizing the terms. If the deal is secured, Iweala will become the second “Green” professional confirmed for the 2024-2025 season, alongside Moroccan Hamza Khaba, whose contract runs until June 2025. Khaba has significantly impacted Al-Arabi’s success, leading the team to multiple victories and emerging as their top scorer. He currently leads the scorers’ standings in the Zain Premier League with 20 goals.

However, certainly, Moroccan Walid Sebbar, Tunisian Ayman, and Algerian Imad Eddine Boubacar will depart. These players failed to meet expectations during their tenure. Sebbar, signed last summer, experienced a notable decline in performance, particularly in recent matches. Ayman, who joined Al-Arabi last January, delivered mediocre performances in many games, while defender Imad Eddine did not significantly contribute to the team and was a liability, often receiving colored cards that led to defeats or setbacks.

Hassan Musa

Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff

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