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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, Sept 27: Barely two weeks have passed since the start of the new academic year but the phenomenon of mass absence of male and female students in various educational levels returned after Thursday, September 28 was declared as an official holiday on the occasion of the Prophet’s (PBUH) birthday.

According to educational sources, the percentage of absenteeism by students varied from one school to another, but it was not less than 60 percent after prior agreement among parents who granted their children a leave of absence. Under the pretext that the students will not attend school, they expected the school administrations to contact them to take their children home.

The students who attended their schools began their studies and completed their assignments according to the study plan without any postponement.

The sources explained that various schools in all the educational zones recorded absenteeism rates in their schools, despite the solutions and measures imposed by the ministry every year in order to eliminate or reduce this phenomenon, including linking absenteeism to grades and deducting grades of the absent student

However, some officials confirmed that implementing the regulations regarding absenteeism is not a solution, but what is actually required is providing awareness to parents about the necessity of obligating their children to attend school, especially in light of the presence of a study plan and curriculum that must be completed.

By Abdul Rahman Al-Shammari
Al-Seyassah/Arab Times Staff