Some associations remain affiliated to influential religious currents
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 28: The Ministry of Social Affairs is still confused about shutting down the branches of charity societies. After several years, several attempts have been made to close these branches but nothing has happened in spite of the formation of a committee which was headed by the undersecretary of the ministry to discuss the issue and set up new mechanisms to organize charity work, reports Al-Jarida daily.
Over the past five years, the ministry has succeeded in shutting down only 30 percent of these branches in all governorates. This confirms its weakness in the face of some associations and its inability to take decisions. In addition to their humanitarian work, some associations remain affiliated to infl uential religious currents.
According to the sources the aim of the formation of the new committee was to develop a vision to solve the problem, while studying each case separately. However, the issue has surfaced again after a long procrastination as if these associations were given grace period to put their house in order.
The ministry has already told the Municipality to take the necessary measures against the violating branches by cutting off power supply, but it failed to make a move. The Council of Ministers failed to take decision on this issue, which led to the continuation of irregularities under the watchful eyes of all State officials. The number of unlicensed branches for five charities has shot to 141 and the ministry has shut down 56 without touching the 85 branches which are affiliated to 3 major associations