Non-Kuwaitis occupying 630 supervisory posts in areas of religious education
KUWAIT CITY, Feb 14: A recent educational survey showed that 1,810 Kuwaiti employees were waiting for educational supervisory posts, such as 293 heads of departments, deputy director and head of school, as well as technical guidance and technical supervisors in kindergartens, 66 percent of whom were women (1,202 teachers) and 34 percent men (608 teachers), reports Al-Qabas daily.
A total of 1,396 teachers are expected to graduate as head of the department after passing the required tests. The head of the promotion department is waiting for an assistant director and the number of those waiting for the post of director of the school is 207.
A total of 89 teachers are expected to fill technical guidance positions for practical studies, home economics, kindergartens, Islamic education, science, arts and social studies. The middle stage teachers awaiting employment are 579 (427 females 152 males), followed by primary education with 622 teachers (469 females, 93 males) and 472 secondary teachers (267 female and 208 males), technical guidance functions 89 teachers, kindergarten 59, and finally the special education 49 teachers (39 females, 10 males).
According to the statistics, the number of non-Kuwaitis occupying the supervisory posts is 630 in the areas of religious education and special education.